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It's Alive!

Who's ready for some mermaid realness?

Setting up for the shoot in February.

We're in the home stretch! This week, Thibault and I put the final touches on the edits and we're ready to send the video off for color grading. How awesome is that?! I am over the moon excited! The video has gone through lots of different forms in the last month and a huge thank you to everyone who helped with feedback. It's alive!

It's incredible to think that this thing is really happening. Pinch me!

Once it's a little closer to done I can start focusing on the launch party/parties. I'll likely have two, one here in Sydney to share with the team and one in San Francisco to share with my core group of supporters. Are you interested in coming? Got some ideas of where I should do it? Want to be involved? Let me know! I'm totally open at this point so if you want to be on the inside I'd love to have some VIPs on the day!

Behind the Scenes

Want to know more about the shoot? I'll continue posting updates about the video via my website and social media. I will also be doing some special features on the artists I collaborated with for this project and how this fits in with their other work. Anything in particular you're curious about? Send me some questions! I'd love to know what you're curious about.

That's all for now! I'm sure I'll have more soon enough. In the meanwhile, feel free to connect with me however and wherever you'd like!

- Madison

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